Top Investmentsecured Badges

Information on the TOP Investmentsecured Badges

This information is for Investors and for vendors (the companies) offering investments on

  • Step 1

    Verified Vendor/ Company Badge

    The verified Badge tells investors that your company has handed in documentation to prove its authenticity. Without the verification Badge it is almost impossible to get invesotrs for your company. To start the verification process fillin any missing fields in your (company) Profile. To get the Verification Badge, go to settings in your dashboard and look for the verification icon on the right handside side of the settings dashboard. Upload the required documents such as tax number and ID for example. Please note the Admin will only verify your account after you request the verifiction and provide information beyond resonable doubt that the company and your handling is authentic.

  • Step 2

    Trusted Vendor/ Company Badge

    A Trusted seller badge can only be achieved after completing  atleast 3 successfull deals wih the investors. A trusted seller Badge shows the investors that your company is capabe of dealing with fund and will gain their trust to get inot bigger deals with your company. The more deals which are completed successfully the more attention your investment offers will recieve. Be sure to inform the admin incase your Badge is due!

  • Step 3

    Insured Investments Badge

    To deal with high sums of investment deals you should get an exclusive investmentsecured coverage for your investment offers. With the subscription to the exclusiv coverage from investmentsecured, you become an ultimate partner for investors. This Badge not only shows that your company in trustworthy, but that the investors have reduced risk of losing thier invested capital. This way all types of investors will be willing to do business with your company! This Bagde is acquired through the investmentsecured membership. And can be acquired in three different sizes: Investmentsecured Bronze/Minimum coverage:- only 50% of the investment deals sum will be covered. (to a Max of 100.000) Investmentsecured Silver/Medium coverge:- 75% of the investment deals sum will be covered. (to a Max of 300.000) Investmentsecured Gold/Maximum coverge:- 100% of the investment deals sum will be covered. (to a Max of 500.000) Please note all coverages are for the principle investment offers and do not cover the promised Return on investments from vendors.

  • Step 4

    Environmental Company Badge

    This Badge is for especially for two types of companies and investment opportunities companies or investment offers which protect our world and companies or investment offers which are helping children, war victims and/or developing countries. (Building Schools, Hospitals or even roads). Investmentsecured will actively support and publicise such companies as our company stands to stop global warming and help developing countries as well.

Investors are encouraged to look out for Badges before investing in the opportunities offered by the vendors

We also encourage vendors offering these opportunites to qualify themselves and actively acquire these badges in order to gain the attention of potential invesotrs

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